Setup: Payment Processors

Before you can begin to accept payment for online registrations, you must set up one or more payment processors. Luckily, the project already provides integration with three of the most common payment processors: Paypal, Stripe, and Square. This page explains how to enable these processors for your site’s use.

Which Processor Should I Use?

Choosing a payment processor is a matter of personal preference, of course. Your choice may depend on such factors as which processor you are already using, whose user interface you like most,

  • All three established processors have similar fee structures for transactions within the United States. If you are outside the U.S., check the processor’s website for information about availability and applicable fees.
  • As of 2018, only Square provides a solution for point-of-sale integration that works smoothly with mobile web applications such as this one. So, if you wish to take electronic payments for full registrations at the door, Square may be the best solution for you.
  • There is nothing in this project that prevents you from using multiple payment processors simultaneously (though of course seeing multiple forms might confuse your customers!)


In order to accept and process Paypal payments, you will need to set up the credentials for your Paypal account. The Django Dance School project uses the Paypal REST SDK. Older versions of this repository used the Paypal IPN system, but this software is no longer maintained, and it is highly recommended that you upgrade to using the REST API.


  1. Go to the Paypal developer website and log in using the Paypal account at which you wish to accept payments.
  2. On the dashboard, under “My Apps & Credentials”, find the heading for “REST API apps” and click “Create App.” Follow the instructions to create an app with a set of API credentials
  3. Once you have created an app, you will see credentials listed. At the top of the page, you will see a toggle between “Sandbox” and “Live.” If you are setting up this installation for testing only, then choose “sandbox” credentials so that you can test transactions without using actual money. For your public installation, use “live” credentials.
  4. Next steps depend on whether you have performed a production installation or a development/manual installation of the project:
  • Development/manual installation: Edit to add:
    • INSTALLED_APPS: Uncomment/enter danceschool.payments.paypal
    • PAYPAL_MODE: Either “sandbox” or “live”
    • PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID: The value of “Client ID”
    • PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET: The value of “Secret”. **Do not share this value

    with anyone, or store it anywhere that could be publicly accessed**

  • Production template installation: Instead of modifying, you can add the values of PAYPAL_MODE, PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID, and PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET as environment variables in the environment where Django operates:

    • For Docker, uncomment and enter the values of PAYPAL_MODE, PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID, and PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET into env.default, using the guidelines above. These values will be loaded into the environment of your Docker container.
    • For Heroku, use the web interface to add the environment variables
      PAYPAL_MODE, PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID, and PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET using the guidelines above.
    • Once these environment variables are specified, the danceschool.payments.paypal app will then be automatically enabled.

Adding a Paypal “Pay Now” button to the registration page

Because this project is designed to be configurable and to accept different payment providers, the “Pay Now” button is not included by default on the registration summary page (the last step of the registration process). If you have setup your installation by running the “setupschool” script, and if the danceschool.payments.paypal app was listed in INSTALLED_APPS at the time you did so, then a “Pay Now” button will already be in place.

However, if you have not used the setupschool script, or if you wish to enable another payment processor after initial setup, then adding a “Pay Now” button is very straightforward. Follow the steps for one of these two methods:

Method 2: The CMS method

  1. Log in as a user with appropriate permissions to edit pages and other CMS content (the superuser is fine)
  2. Proceed through the first two pages of the registration process. Entering fake information is fine, as you will not be completing this registration.
  3. When you get to the registration summary page, click the button in the toolbar labeled “Edit Page,” then choose “Structure” mode to edit the layout of the page.
  4. You will see a placeholder for the payment button, called “Registration_Payment_Placeholder”. Click the plus sign (+) next to this placeholder to add a plugin, and from the “Paypal” section of plugins choose “Paypal Pay Now Form”
  5. Configure the plugin (choose which pages to send customers to when they have completed/cancelled payment), and you’re all set!

To add a gift certificate form to allow customers to purchase gift certficates, follow a similar procedure, adding the “Paypal Gift Certificate Form” plugin to any page of your choosing.


As with Paypal, Stripe integration makes use of a modern API that does not require you to store any sensitive financial information on your own server, and it requires only that you enable the app and place your API keys in your file.

Stripe API Setup

  1. Go to and log into your account, or sign up for a new account (Note: Before running transactions in live mode, you will need to activate your account, which may involve providing a Tax ID, etc.)

  2. In the dashboard on the left hand side, select “API” to get access to your API keys. You will see test credentials, and if your account has been activated, you will also see live credentials. Choose the ones that you need.

  3. Next steps depend on whether you have performed a production installation or a development/manual installation of the project:

    • Development/manual installation: Edit to add: - INSTALLED_APPS: Uncomment/enter danceschool.payments.stripe - STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY: Your publishable key. - STRIPE_PRIVATE_KEY: Your secret key. **Do not share this value with

      anyone, or store it anywhere that could be publicly accessed**

    • Production template installation: Instead of modifying, you can add the values of STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY and STRIPE_PRIVATE_KEY as environment variables in the environment where Django operates: - For Docker, uncomment and enter the values of STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY

      and STRIPE_PRIVATE_KEY into env.default, using the guidelines above. These values will be loaded into the environment of your Docker container.

      • For Heroku, use the web interface to add the environment variables STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY and STRIPE_PRIVATE_KEY using the guidelnes above.
      • Once these environment variables are specified, the danceschool.payments.stripe app will then be automatically enabled.

Adding a Stripe “Checkout Now” button to the registration page

Because this project is designed to be configurable and to accept different payment providers, the “Checkout Now” button is not included by default on the registration summary page (the last step of the registration process). If you have setup your installation by running the “setupschool” script, and if danceschool.payments.stripe was listed in INSTALLED_APPS at the time you did so, then a “Checkout Now” button may already be in place.

However, if you have not used the setupschool script, or if you wish to enable another payment processor after initial setup, then adding a “Checkout Now” button is very straightforward. Follow the steps for one of these two methods:

Method 1: The Command Line Method (recommended)

  1. Go to the command line in your project’s environment or container and type in python3 setup_stripe. The setup script will check that your configuration variables allow you to connect to Stripe, and you will be prompted with the option to add the button placeholder on the registration summary page. If the button is already present, then it will not add a duplicate.

Method 2: The CMS method

  1. Log in as a user with appropriate permissions to edit pages and other CMS content (the superuser is fine)
  2. Proceed through the first two pages of the registration process. Entering fake information is fine, as you will not be completing this registration.
  3. When you get to the registration summary page, click the button in the toolbar labeled “Edit Page,” then choose “Structure” mode to edit the layout of the page.
  4. You will see a placeholder for the payment button, called “Registration_Payment_Placeholder”. Click the plus sign (+) next to this placeholder to add a plugin, and from the “Stripe” section of plugins choose “Stripe Checkout Form”
  5. Configure the plugin (choose which pages to send customers to when they have completed/cancelled payment), and you’re all set!

To add a gift certificate form to allow customers to purchase gift certficates, follow a similar procedure, adding the “Stripe Gift Certificate Form” plugin to any page of your choosing.


You are now able to use the popular Square payment processor in place of either Paypal or Stripe. In addition to a standard online checkout option that is similar to Paypal or Stripe, Square also allows for easy setup of point-of-sale payments that can be seamlessly integrated with the Django Dance School system, by allowing your registration person to click a button that sends them into the Android or iOS point of sale app, with all details loaded, and by then reporting the results of your transaction back to your website at a special “callback” URL. As with the other payment processors, Square’s modern API means that you are not responsible for the storage of any sensitive financial information. For these reasons, Square is a particularly attractive payment option for schools who need to take payments at the door.

Please note that this project uses version 2 of the Square Connect APIs. As of September 2017, this API is only available in certain countries. Please see the Square documentation for more details.

Additionally, please note that both the Square point-of-sale integration and the Square checkout form require that you have HTTPS enabled on your site. For the checkout form, any page on which the checkout form shows up must be accessed by HTTPS, or the checkout form will not display. The checkout form will work on a local test server without HTTPS for testing purposes only. If you are using the production template on Docker or Heroku, then HTTPS should be enabled by default. Setting up HTTPS in other environments is beyond the scope of this documentation.

Square API Setup

  1. Go to and log into your account, or sign up for a new account. Go to the “Dashboard”.

  2. In the dashboard on the left hand side, select “Apps,” then select the tab for “My Apps”, and click to define a new set of app credentials that will be used for your website.

  3. From the “My Apps” page, click on “Manage App”, and you will see the credentials that you need. If you are only seeking to test online payments, then you may opt to use the Sandbox credentials (however, be advised that Sandbox credentials cannot be used to test point-of-sale payments at this time).

  4. Next steps depend on whether you have performed a production installation or a development/manual installation of the project:

    • Development/manual installation: Edit to add: - INSTALLED_APPS: Uncomment/enter danceschool.payments.square - SQUARE_APPLICATION_ID: Your application identifier - SQUARE_ACCESS_TOKEN: Your personal access token. **Do not share

      this value with anyone, or store it anywhere that could be publicly accessed**

      • SQUARE_LOCATION_ID: The first listed value of Location ID listed under “Locations.” Please note that the Danceschool project currently does not permit distinguishing among multiple locations in the Square payment system.
    • Production template installation: Instead of modifying, you can add the values of SQUARE_APPLICATION_ID, SQUARE_ACCESS_TOKEN. and SQUARE_LOCATION_ID as environment variables in the environment where Django operates: - For Docker, uncomment and enter the values of SQUARE_APPLICATION_ID,

      SQUARE_ACCESS_TOKEN, and SQUARE_LOCATION_ID into env.default, using the guidelines above. These values will be loaded into the environment of your Docker container.

      • For Heroku, use the web interface to add the environment variables SQUARE_APPLICATION_ID, SQUARE_ACCESS_TOKEN, and SQUARE_LOCATION_ID using the guidelnes above.
      • Once these environment variables are specified, the danceschool.payments.square app will then be automatically enabled.
  5. If you intend to use point of sale integration, you will also need

    to specify a “callback URL,” which is the URL that Square’s point of sale app sends the details of your transaction to after you successfully complete it using their app. To set this URL, from the “Manage App” page on which you accessed your API credentials, click on the “Point of Sale API” tab at the top of the page. Then, under “Web,” look for an input labeled “Web Callback URLs.” In this box, enter your callback URL. If you are using the default URL configuration, this URL will be However, you can also check to get the exact URL by running python3 setup_square from the command line of your project’s environment.

Adding a Square Checkout form and/or point of sale button to the registration page

Because this project is designed to be configurable and to accept different payment providers, Square’s checkout form and its point-of-sale button are not included by default on the registration summary page (the last step of the registration process). If you have setup your installation by running the “setupschool” script, and if danceschool.payments.square was listed in INSTALLED_APPS at the time you did so, then a checkout form and/or point of sale button may already be in place.

However, if you have not used the setupschool script, or if you wish to enable another payment processor after initial setup, then adding the form and button are very straightforward. Follow the steps for one of these two methods:

Method 1: The Command Line Method (recommended)

  1. Go to the command line in your project’s environment and type in python3 setup_square. The setup script will check that your configuration variables allow you to connect to Square, and you will be prompted with the option to add the checkout form plugin and the point of sale button plugin on the registration summary page. If these plugins are already present, then it will not add duplicates.

Method 2: The CMS method

  1. Log in as a user with appropriate permissions to edit pages and other CMS content (the superuser is fine)
  2. Proceed through the first two pages of the registration process. Entering fake information is fine, as you will not be completing this registration.
  3. When you get to the registration summary page, click the button in the toolbar labeled “Edit Page,” then choose “Structure” mode to edit the layout of the page.
  4. You will see a placeholder for the payment button, called “Registration_Payment_Placeholder”. Click the plus sign (+) next to this placeholder to add a plugin, and from the “Square” section of plugins, choose the plugin that you desire.
  5. Configure the plugin (choose which pages to send customers to when they have completed/cancelled payment), and you’re all set!

User Permissions for Square Point of Sale Integration

Unlike with online payment solutions, with point of sale payment, you do not want most users to see the point of sale button, and you likely only want it to show up in circumstances where you will be accepting this type of payment (i.e. at the door). So, the following restrictions are in place:

  • Only users with the square.handle_pos_payments permission set can see the point of sale button. Since superusers have all permissions by default, you will see the button if you are logged into a superuser account. No other users see the button by default, so it is strongly recommended that give this permission to the specific Users who run your registration by going to Apps > Users on the CMS toolbar.
  • Only at-the-door registrations (marked as such during step 1 of the registration process) see the button, regardless of who the user is that is performing the registration.
  • For transactions that take place on a platform other than Android or iOS, the point of sale button will display, but it will be disabled and greyed out, to reflect the fact that Square point of sale integration only works on Android or iOS platforms.